I have to admit it...sometimes I miss the "good ol' days." Often actually. The Christmas Season when I had little children who were SO excited and happy and on their best behavior for an entire month. I miss making Christmas cookies with more decorations on them than the cookie could hold. I miss the Elementary School Christmas Concerts (Reindeer Rock!) I miss dressing my children alike and I miss taking them and standing in line to see Santa...I miss their sparkling, excited faces when they came down the stairs to see what Santa had brought them! I miss getting their half-wrapped, made-at-school Christmas presents that they were so thrilled to watch me open. I miss new jammies and pictures in front of the fireplace on Christmas Eve. I miss the Christmas spirit that fills the house when there are children who believe in Santa. Thank God I have all my photos. I looked through most of my albums this morning and smiled so big at the wonderful memories that flood my mind when looking at these pictures. I thought I'd share a few today.
I know that life goes on, and kids grow up and that seasons of life DO change. I love hanging out with my adult children and cherish every minute with them! There is just something about secretly shopping for months, hiding gifts in the suitcases in the garage and then getting up at midnight to play Santa. The feeling is not quite the same when you are handing them a gift card.I am grateful that my family will be together tonight...there are no Santa believers left in Orange County tho...which is kinda sad. Instead, we will be having Mexican food with some cold Coronas, watching a Christmas movie or two and playing Gray's Anatomy trivia.
And actually that sounds kinda nice...less pressure...no midnight assembling of toys...and no one barfing in the night from one-too-many Christmas cookies.
Just the 'big kids' laughing and enjoying the time together...Some things never change.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
I'm excited for Mexican food and Grey's trivia! Maybe someone could make gnocci for old-times sake.
Julie...MERRY CHRISTMAS MY FRIEND! I am so GRATEFUL for your blogs each and every day, you bring JOY to my day with your great words! You have raised AMAZING children (well, only one I know but if the other is ANYTHING like Allison...WOW)! Your memories are cherished and someday you will be watching your 2 play the "Santa" traditions with theirs and you will share again in the children who believe! I know we only have one or two left years of the "Santa" believer in our house BUT it's still the "magic" that we hold so dear! I LOVE Christmas morning too! LOVE YOU JULIE HIBBARD!
I miss small children so much. Maybe I will have another one just so we can have one around for Christmas. Maybe I'll adopt one from Nambibia!! Ok, how about from China?
Bum and I loved the old pictures...I remember most of those especially the one with Allison and me...I forgot how many years agp that was...OK, I know by Allison's approximate age at the time...thanks for the memories and let's make some new ones tonight...
Thanks for this great blog...
see you tonight...
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