When we are having a meal together, can you please put away the blackberry? Or the iPhone. Or the cell. Please...at least for the hour or so we are together?
I am finding that I can't seem to compete with your constant flow of incoming calls and emails (apparently you are much more important than I had thought you were.) Actually, what it says to me is that your email is more important than I am. You know that I am a HUGE fan of technology and if you are SHOWING me your new iPhone or blackberry—I am totally interested. But that’s not what’s happening. Nope. It seems that lately I am having coffee, breakfast, lunch, and dinner with people who seem to have better things to do than be with me. (I am not talking about a call from your kid who needs to be picked up or has a broken down car…you know what I AM talking about.)
Because of this, I have decided that I am no longer taking my phone with me everywhere I go. I'll probably never take it into a restaurant ever again. Honestly, I am NOT that important. My kids are grown ups, my mother will leave me a message and I can check on my eBay bid when I get home. I never want anyone I am with to think I’d prefer to talk to someone else. Thus the reason I have never had call waiting. And there is definitely no email more valuable than my time with you.
I have been experimenting with this lately by leaving my cell in the car when I am with anyone else. I want to BE with the people I am with. BE there...not half-way hoping to get a better offer or an interesting email or a call from someone to make a plan for next week. I have found that though I usually have missed a call or two upon my return, nothing has been an emergency...not even close! Again, my kids are in their mid-20s and the vast majority of what I do does not need to be decided while you and I are having a conversation or enjoying a meal together...I want to BE with YOU 100%!
I would ask you, my dear friends, to please BE where you are too. Not just with me--but with your kids, your family, other friends. Try leaving the phone in the car. Or in your purse, or even on your belt. Just please don’t take it out and start reading emails when we are together….I am starting to feel like a distraction from what you really want to be doing.
Well said! I totally agree! Thanks for being the one to actually say it! You are awesome, I love your honesty, it's rare and refreshing!
I love my "crackberry," however, I also like my feeling of independance so I have been leaving it in the car when I eat out with friends, when I'm at home between places, and out and about. I pretty much just leave my phone in my car now.
Amen Sister!!!!
My sad excuse is having five kids and wanting to be able to help them in case their cars break down in San Mateo, San Fran and Hawaii!!!
AMEN!!! My parents are the WORST at this!
Thank you...and I will do the same for you.
Amen! Even though I have gotten somewhat addicted to my crackberry, I do not bring it out to check e-mails or calls when I am with someone. Why? I wouldn't want someone to do that to me! Many things go back to the golden rule of "Treat others the way you would want to be treated."
Julie, thank you for posting this. I hope people really READ it and apply it to their lives.
I also hope that they don't get in trouble for missing a work call. :-o
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