Friday, January 27, 2012

Just finished...for (at least) the 10th time

I first read Frederick Douglass' amazing book in a Literature class at Saddleback College in about 1988--and fell in love with it. I read it again when I was in an English class at Cal State Fullerton in the mid 90s and it meant even more to me then! I do believe that I've read it through practically every other year of my life since then. It is more powerful and more meaningful to me every single time I read it.
It is such inspirational story...a story of persistence and resilience and perseverance. It's a lesson in never giving up, in moving forward and in being determined to get what you want--and deserve--out of life.
Though we lived completely different circumstances, I do believe Mr. Douglass and I had quite a bit in common, and every time I re-read the book, I am absolutely in awe of him and his unbelievable journey. I am also ALWAYS completely inspired. Inspired to be diligent and hardworking and conscientious and unrelenting!
And to thoroughly enjoy the fruits of my efforts.

"I prayed for twenty years but received no answer...until I prayed with my legs."
~Frederick Douglass

"You are not judged by the height you have risen, but from the depth you have climbed."
~Frederick Douglass

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