Ultimately, these are things I don't like about myself:
- I cuss WAY too much. It's really not funny and FAR beyond excusable. The 'f' word is nothing but an adjective to me and is used to describe everything from the weather to my house payment to the Dodgers. I need a damn thesaurus. (oops)
- I am EXTREMELY defensive. If you tell me that I am doing something wrong or that I made a bad decision or even that the American League is better than the National--I WILL become defensive. Oh Lord. I know. I need to work on this one.
- I interrupt people. In my defense (joke), let me tell you, my brain never stops. I have so much to say and I want to be sure you don't miss it. I am REALLY aware of this and PROMISE to get better at keeping my mouth shut.
- I have a VERY hard time letting go, getting over things and moving on. I beat myself up and am upset for weeks, months, YEARS! Then I beat myself up for taking so long to let go. I am learning to 'detach'... and that, I think, is the key.
- Along those same lines, I WAY over analyze and over think EVERYTHING. I look at the same old issues in 50 alternate ways wondering what went wrong. I recall every word of every single conversation trying to figure out what I could have said that would have made things different.
- I can't seem to get into a regular workout routine. I will go REALLY well for a couple of months and then I go a few times a week, then once or twice a week. Sometimes, after running 10-12 miles at work, I just freaking collapse when I get home. I KNOW a regular trip to the gym is the best thing for me. Gotta get back on that horse.
- My butt and thighs. Seems no matter how much weight I lose or how much I work out, there will always be junk in the trunk...and in the saddlebags. Perhaps a certain amount of ACCEPTANCE is what's needed in this area. I mean those areas.
- I am too nice. I avoid confrontation. I don't say what I really want to say sometimes because I don't want to hurt anyone...and so they will LIKE me. Believe me, being too nice can come back and bite you in the ass. Maybe just a little advice from John Mayer on this one: Say what you mean to say.
- I am often afraid to trust my gut or to go with my instincts. SO often, this becomes a regret that I can't get over. And I'm too nice to do anything about it. Damn it!
- I trust too quickly, fall too hard, and love WAY too much. I know that when balanced with a little less defensiveness, a lot more honesty and better use of my instincts, these things are actually admiral attributes.
Gonna print this out and glue it in my journal...
I feel better already.
Tomorrow--10 things I wish I could tell my younger self.
I feel better already.
Tomorrow--10 things I wish I could tell my younger self.
I thought #3 was mine???.....I've never once heard Sonja tell you to shut up and stop interrupting! (hee hee)....and to be honest, I probably wouldn't be friends with you if you didn't cuss like a trucker, love too much or talk too much!...And don't even get me started on those butt and thighs!!! XO
You're funny, Kelly. And right. Julie, I totally disagree with #3. You're the best listener I've ever known.
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