I was thinking of this man I had been dating (somewhat consuming thoughts...) I was on the right path, moving forward and going the right direction...or so I thought.
Apparently, (though still hard for me to believe), it was but a(nother) little side trip on the path of life...I'm not exactly where I was hoping to end up, but, I must admit, the entire experience was quite enjoyable just the same.
I was likening it to the trip my family took in 1978. Our destination: a giant DiLallo Family reunion in Montreal, Canada. No, we didn't fly, in fact, my first plane ride wasn't until I was 21. Nope, it was 3000 plus miles in a motor home with my parents and four sisters. As you can imagine, it was quite an adventure.
And rather than drive straight through to the reunion, my parents planned several little side trips for us the entire way there. We saw Yosemite and Yellowstone. The Grand Tetons and Jackson Hole. Mount Rushmore and Devil's Tower (from Close Encounters!) We saw New York City and Niagara Falls--so much cool stuff to see and experience along the way! Of course it took a while--a couple of weeks--to get there, but the journey was just as fun as the destination.
We'd stop at fruit stands to buy fresh peaches and watermelon and we'd make a special side trip for a delicious (?) hot meal at a Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge Restaurant. We'd spend the night at a KOA or Crazy Horse camp ground most of the time, and the folks would occasionally treat us to a night at a hotel where we RELISHED a hot shower and a swim in the pool.
Point is, we enjoyed the ride.
Life is so very much like that trip!
I am pretty sure I know where I want to end up--in love with an incredibly kind man who wants to watch baseball with me and drink beer with me and kiss me a lot. And hold my hand and tell me I'm pretty. And just do nothing with me.
But apparently, it's gonna take a while to get there!
Though not intentional, I've taken quite a few "detours" while on the path to that destination. Fortunately for me, the vast majority of those little side trips have been (for the most part) quite pleasant and enjoyable. In fact, this last one was magnificent. I loved every minute of that amazing experience. Actually, I thought I might be at my destination...
It was the best stop on this journey--so far.
It has taken me a few days to catch my breath and get my bearings, but I am back on the path again. Though I think I know where I want to end up, right now, I'm not quite sure where I'm headed...or where this (incredible) journey will ultimately take me.
Cool thing is, and I just want you to know...
I am thoroughly enjoying the ride.
Apparently, (though still hard for me to believe), it was but a(nother) little side trip on the path of life...I'm not exactly where I was hoping to end up, but, I must admit, the entire experience was quite enjoyable just the same.
I was likening it to the trip my family took in 1978. Our destination: a giant DiLallo Family reunion in Montreal, Canada. No, we didn't fly, in fact, my first plane ride wasn't until I was 21. Nope, it was 3000 plus miles in a motor home with my parents and four sisters. As you can imagine, it was quite an adventure.
And rather than drive straight through to the reunion, my parents planned several little side trips for us the entire way there. We saw Yosemite and Yellowstone. The Grand Tetons and Jackson Hole. Mount Rushmore and Devil's Tower (from Close Encounters!) We saw New York City and Niagara Falls--so much cool stuff to see and experience along the way! Of course it took a while--a couple of weeks--to get there, but the journey was just as fun as the destination.
We'd stop at fruit stands to buy fresh peaches and watermelon and we'd make a special side trip for a delicious (?) hot meal at a Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge Restaurant. We'd spend the night at a KOA or Crazy Horse camp ground most of the time, and the folks would occasionally treat us to a night at a hotel where we RELISHED a hot shower and a swim in the pool.
Point is, we enjoyed the ride.
Life is so very much like that trip!
I am pretty sure I know where I want to end up--in love with an incredibly kind man who wants to watch baseball with me and drink beer with me and kiss me a lot. And hold my hand and tell me I'm pretty. And just do nothing with me.
But apparently, it's gonna take a while to get there!
Though not intentional, I've taken quite a few "detours" while on the path to that destination. Fortunately for me, the vast majority of those little side trips have been (for the most part) quite pleasant and enjoyable. In fact, this last one was magnificent. I loved every minute of that amazing experience. Actually, I thought I might be at my destination...
It was the best stop on this journey--so far.
It has taken me a few days to catch my breath and get my bearings, but I am back on the path again. Though I think I know where I want to end up, right now, I'm not quite sure where I'm headed...or where this (incredible) journey will ultimately take me.
Cool thing is, and I just want you to know...
I am thoroughly enjoying the ride.
I love the memories of that trip with all 5 of our lovely daughters. May your trip be full of wonder and end up with the answers to all your dreamd.
I meant to say dreams.
For the record, our trip to Montreal was 3,000 miles each way...I'm not writing this to prolong your journey but simply to state the fact that it was a trip and a half and worth every mile...
Julie, you are the mos optimistic person I have ever met.
You have so much hope and patience, I am in awe.
The trip you use in your analogy reminds me of the trips I took with me parents as a child. As you say, the trip itself was part of the adventure.;)
Hang in there girl, good thongs comes to those who wait.;)
oups, what a funny typo, I meant things of course, although a pair of thongs are handy too, hehe.;)
Hate to hear that this last relationship didn't pan out like you had hoped. However, I have to agree that your attitude regarding it is amazing...
I know we have this destination mentality ....but yes, the journey is the fun (and frustrating part)... but keep driving toward that destination. It's out there somewhere over the next hill, around the next corner....or maybe 100 miles up the road
Be Blessed my friend....
Susie A.
I thought for quite a while on how to incorporate the 3000 mile return trip...
for some reason, I remember that going a lot faster. We must have done a "Clark Griswold at the Grand Canyon" at all the stops along THAT journey...I think after a month in a motor home with seven people, we were all pretty excited to get home.
I love your analogy, Julie. It's hard to focus on the good parts of anything if it ends differently than we hoped. Biggest understatement of the year, but: Life is a mystery. Just keep having faith that it is all unfolding exactly as it should. You will look back at this experience in due time and think, ah yes, it all makes sense now!
Love you!
I love your analogy, however, I don't think I was on the same trip you were!! :) Pewy menus.
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