I had tickets for Game Three of the World Series, which was, according to my expectations, to be Halloween night at Dodger Stadium--about an hour from my home.
In the eternal words of Robert Burns, "The best laid plans of mice and men...oft go awry." No matter how great my plans were--well, I suppose they were more hopes and dreams than actual plans--things happened to make those plans fall apart.
Someone once told me, 'Expectations are planned disappointments.'
With baseball, as in all other areas of life, we learn to admit that our hopes and dreams often fall to the wayside. Sure, we can cry, bitch and moan about it...or we can figure out a way to accept it...and move on. With a few adjustments in attitude (albeit reluctantly,) a good sense of humor and just a little bit of curiosity...we figure out how to enjoy where life leads in spite of it all. Honestly, it's one of life's greatest rewards. (Trust me on that one.)
So, I will not be attending any of the World Series games this year. Instead, I will be meeting a friend at the local sports bar tonight to watch Game One as the Yankees host the Phillies in NYC. I actually think it's pretty cool that the Yankees are in the World Series the first year in their new park. And CC Sabathia vs. Cliff Lee?! Seriously, that is baseball at its finest!
I may even stop by the sporting goods store to pick up a Yankees shirt. Oh yeah...I'm a Yankee fan today...I want them to kick the SH*T out of those two-time heartbreaking Phillies!
Don't worry...I'll be wearing a Dodgers shirt underneath...
My plans may have changed...but my hopes and dreams remain.
Have a great time! It's nice that you don't have to travel too far...Mom
I remember six or seven times hearing and watching World Series Dodgers vs. Yanks and there's no way in the world I would wear a Yankee shirt...even though I hope they beat the living daylights out of the Phillies...
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