A woman--no matter HOW smart, HOW educated, HOW funny and quick witted--who has five children--including a 17 year old pregnant daughter (PLEASE DON'T LET HER GET MARRIED!!) and an infant with special needs...does NOT have time to be the vice president of the United States.
I am not even saying that she is not qualified.
I'm just saying--as a woman who has TWO children--between being team mom and room mom and getting kids to two different schools and making sure they did their homework and running them to karate and dance and little league and church events and orthodontist appointments and making sure they were emotionally cared for...I was barely able to squeeze in part time work as a waitress!!
God forbid something happen to the 70-plus year old McCain...
Would she be able to run the country?
At what cost to her family?
Just my thoughts...
I am not even saying that she is not qualified.
I'm just saying--as a woman who has TWO children--between being team mom and room mom and getting kids to two different schools and making sure they did their homework and running them to karate and dance and little league and church events and orthodontist appointments and making sure they were emotionally cared for...I was barely able to squeeze in part time work as a waitress!!
God forbid something happen to the 70-plus year old McCain...
Would she be able to run the country?
At what cost to her family?
Just my thoughts...
Ok, one is in the Army, one, OBVIOUSLY isn't in karate or any such activity that would keep you from having sex, one is the neglected one, #4 is taken care of by the neglected one so she won't feel neglected and I'm pretty sure the new baby is the really the child of the one that doesn't take karate so she really doesn't have that much to do. However, I totally agree with you.
I couldn't agree more! Go home and be with your 6 month (?) old baby! She was great last night though...although the speech was written by Bush's old speech writer a week before she was even announced as the VP running mate. It'll be interesting to see how she acts in a debate w/ no writers there for her...
I totally agree with you Julie and I raised only one child.
My question is: Why is it that Mrs. Palin is suddenly the model mother for the Evangelical Christians? I sat in church so many times listening to sermons about absent mothers that put career before children? Was I sitting in the wrong church? Am I missing something?
Absolutely, positively, doggone RIGHT!!!
So what's wrong with her husband??? Why can't he be Mr. Mom??? I've always worked full time and my 3 kids turned out awesome! (But, a husband that acutally wants to parent is totally necessary to succeed with this plan)!
I agree that it will be more than difficult for her to (possibly) balance being VP and a family life, but what a great example of a mother who not only HOPES for a better America for her children but is willing to DO whatever she can to MAKE America a better country for her five children. Agree with her or not on "the issues," she's a great reminder of how imporant it is for us mothers to have our voices heard, be it at the PTA, school board, or city council, so that our children can live in a great country.
I believe that there is no greater calling than that of mother, however, how come no one questions the ability of a man to balance being a VP or President with his family life?
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