With all the negative feelings out there about Jury Duty, I want you to know there is definitely a silver lining! As I head out to day four on the jury, I thought I would share with you what I have loved about these last few days.
- The sun is up before me.
- I have SO much time before I have to leave in the morning. (Court starts at 9am!) I have time to do laundry, write out bills, get the house clean, blog, catch up on email, make phone calls, read a little of my book, and still have plenty of time to shower, get ready and sit in traffic all the way to Santa Ana!
- Jeans, teeshirt and tennis shoes--every day!! (This may be the best one.)
- No pantyhose and no SUITS all week!!
- Nice walk each morning from the parking garage by Eddie West Field (Mater Dei plays all their games there--and always has! A little bit of nostalgia for me each day...) I just love the LIFE going on down each street near the court house...the whole area is bustling at 8:30 in the morning!
- An hour and a half for lunch! Hello! Lunch every day is pure JOY! I've had a friend pick me up each day and we have AMPLE time for a lovely leisurely lunch before having to get back to court.
- The nights are so LONG when I don't have to head to bed at 9pm! I've been able to go out and NOT watch the clock!
- I am learning so much and seriously seeing a side of life I really never knew existed. None of the court scenes from movies can hold a candle to what I've heard the last few days. Of course I keep wanting to yell out, "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!"
- I also have an amazing new respect for lawyers! Dear Jesus! They earn every cent they make.
- It's making me TRULY appreciate my very simple, enjoyable life.
And, honestly...I can't wait to get back to it.
You'll have to explain yourself on the one about the lawyers.
I wonder if either of the lawyers are using a jury expert. I'd be doing stupid things all day long just to confuse them. Gasping at random things as if the case has just been blown wide open. Or dressing up one day as a Nascar fan and the next as a Black Panther. Or leaving obscure drawings at the end of each day.
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