Thursday, June 5, 2008


Why is it that when I crawl in bed at night, the SLIGHTEST little noise will keep me from falling asleep? The ticking clock, a neighbor's laughter, that dog barking two blocks away...

But freaking lay me down in front of a blaring TV and I completely pass out!

Twice this week, I have fallen asleep on the couch while watching a movie. Yep, missed the end of both of them.

I am SUCH a light sleeper, it doesn't seem to make any sense! And I gotta tell ya, it's a very good, deep sleep.
Kinda grateful that there's no one here to wake me up and tell me to go get in bed...


PETE Di LALLO said...

I remember when you had your own room on El Caballo your goldfish kept you awake at night when they popped up to the water surface to eat!!!

Allison said...

I think it's the constant noise that makes it easier to sleep...when it's silent, the small noises break the quiet...