Saturday, October 13, 2007

Advice to my younger self

Dear Julie,
Although you are very happy today at age 44, you really could have been so much more had you listened to your future self...
Here's what I wish I could say to you:
  1. Even though it's hard for you, tell people you love them.
  2. Don't be so afraid of getting in trouble!
  3. You really can do anything you want!
  4. Please don't wear those overalls.
  5. Be honest all the time.
  6. Don't hang out with anyone who doesn't make you feel better about yourself.
  7. Take pictures of yourself in that bikini at 16. It is the best your body will ever look.
  8. Don't get that perm!
  9. You are SO smart!!!
  10. Don't marry him.
  11. Buy Microsoft, Yahoo and Google.
  12. Don't worry about what people think about you. Cause guess what? They're not thinking about you.
  13. Trust your instincts.
  14. People don't change.
  15. For the love of God--Don't get the tattoo!
  16. Accept the lead role in the Senior Class Play.
  17. Hold out for the one who wants to dance with you and kiss you a lot.
  18. You are so beautiful.
  19. Keep a nickel between your knees at all times.
  20. Go to Hawaii with your senior class.
  21. Let your yes be yes and your no be no.
  22. When you get your acceptance letter to UCLA--do everything you can to GO!
  23. Wait 6 months to buy the condo.
  24. You will live through 2005 and come out stronger than you thought possible.
  25. You will live happily ever after.


Allison said...

Also, your daughter will be the best thing that ever happened to you. Buy her a dining room table for her 25th birthday.

Heather McTaggart said...

Allison...ebay sister! Julie, YOU are amazing, you are beautiful ALWAYS (even in sweats, with a fever, on a rainy day, without a shower for 3 days), those things that you did do and didn't do built the AMAZING JULIE we all know and are blessed to walk on our path! SO, I would not change a thing about the Julie I know now so I know the "younger" version had to be JUST AS AMAZING! OH and see you soon when I drop off my daughter's college fund in a restaurant at your work because of SOME dumb bet!

Insured Asset Solutions said...

I honestly think that this is one of the funniest blogs I have read to date

PETE Di LALLO said...

So great! words to live by...
you forgot one: write a newspaper column when you have more talent than Irma Bombeck!