Monday, March 31, 2008

I would not be convicted by a jury of my peers

I have been summoned...


Allison said...

Yuck, yuck, yuck.
I'm so sorry!

dark chocolate said...

Jury Duty? Is it a murder Trial?! I always wanted to sit on a jury for redrum. By the way, I didn't see The Shining on the list for the top 100 films, what's up with that?

PETE Di LALLO said...

Could be lotsa fun especially if your work pays for time gone...if they don't pay and you want to get out, strictly for financial reasons of course!, when the attorneys interview you tell them you hate cops and the accused person looks guilty...
if you decide to serve send the guilty perp up the river...

Gina Vistaunet said...

Do not go in there and tell them you hate cops or that you don't like certain races. I sat on a trial for one week last year, and the people who said things like that sounded stupid. Mine was a lady who got a DUI and it was SO boring. You will live it you get picked.

Heather McTaggart said...

I went and got out at the last minute when the attorney asked me where I worked and I said Saddleback Church. Also a DUI case and the attorney said "BUH-BYE!" I did hang out with people I happen to know there but just in case pay the $8 and take your laptop to surf the internet.

Sarah said...

I had jury duty when I was a Freshmen in college. They postponed it until CHRISTMAS BREAK and I had to spend an entire week in Santa Ana at the court house becuase I was on the jury. THe college I attended only get 2-2 1/2 weeks off in the winter. It was a silly dog bit case, but at least I can say I've done it!

Lisa Marie said...

First time?! I've been called FOUR out of the seven years that I've been eligible!!

Insured Asset Solutions said...

I threw out my paperwork last time (September or October). I got another one and have to be in Santa Ana on April 11th. I really hate spending the day in court. My opinion is that if they have made it this far in the process, they're guilty. Believe it or not I was appointed as the foreman for the last on I had to serve on in 2006.

Ange said...

Wow! I've never been called! (knock on wood)