Sunday, May 17, 2009

Frisky business

In the canned food aisle of the grocery store this morning, I saw an older lady--about my height--attempting to reach the cans of soup stacked on the top shelf. I didn't want to insult her by offering to help, but, as she reached for the third and then the fourth can, I decided I could not watch any longer--I was sure that at any second she was going to be knocked out by the corn chowder or the tomato bisque...something was going to conk her in the head!

I said, "Excuse me...I am not very much taller than you, but may I help you get those cans?"
She said, "I'd love your help, dear! You may not be any taller, but you look a lot friskier!"

Frisky! YES--FRISKY! I'm telling you, it's my new favorite word.
It is just SO me!

Oh I helped her get those cans. And I've been frisky all afternoon.


PETE Di LALLO said...

You are not dull and gloomy...
(that lady might have had a dog at home feeding it Friskies)...
instead she may have called you lively, cheerful, sparkling and maybe chirpy...(a bird food?)
I bet you followed her out the store and helped her cross the street...
your are the best...

Eliane said...

LOL that is so funny.
I like frisky