Sunday, May 17, 2009


OK...we just had an earthquake. I am SO not one to freak out...and, for the first few seconds, I just sat and thought, "oh, we're having an earthquake." For the next few seconds I thought, "oh crap, we're STILL having an earthquake..." But when it kept going, I actually jumped up and moved to a doorway--where for the NEXT FIFTEEN MORE seconds I stood there as I heard wine glasses rattling together, picture frames toppling over, and things falling off my bookshelves! My heart was seriously didn't seem like it was going to cracking, things toppling...ok, so I freaked a little! everyone is alright.
It's been a long time since I remember one like that...

1 comment:

Zuzana said...

Wow, I can not even imagine how scary that must have been. I am happy you are all right!