- I wish I knew how to...
- My favorite cartoon/comic is...
- The BEST breakfast cereal/pop tart/soup/ice cream flavor is...
- Things I wish they would have taught me in school
- My favorite smell/aroma
- The best meal of my life
- Are magazines going to be obsolete?
- Something I love to do, but am not very good at...and vice versa.
- If I could change one thing in my past...
- The joy of free samples
- Why God made bugs/rats/cellulite
- My dream car
- All the cars I've owned/driven
- If I could be anyone in the world
- If I could meet anyone in the world
- The worst song ever
- My first concert (without my parents)
- What I really think of the electric slide
- Foods that make me puke
- What I always wanted to be when I grow up
- saving money
- My brothers/sisters/family/neighbors/friend/cat/dog
- The best video game ever
- First thing I ever bought/sold on Ebay
- I wouldn't eat a ______ if my life depended on it
- Best/worst smelling lotion/perfume
- Favorite poet/author/artist
- Last time I painted something
- Best gift I ever GAVE
- What I am thankful/grateful/hopeful for
- The trophies/prizes/awards I have won
- My favorite wine/beer experience
- How I'd make the world a better place
- Where I'd START touring the world...
- If I could host a party with any 8 people in the world...
- What I will name my next dog/cat/child/bird/reptile
- Skiing black diamond slopes
- Learning to cook meatballs or bake an apple pie
- I felt most guilty when I...
- Here's pictures of my garden, house, kids, golf clubs, car, most expensive pair of shoes
- My tattoo parlor experience (I gotta write about this one some day!)
- Falling in Love (I wanna write about this one some day!)
- The time I felt most appreciated
- Movies that make me cry/laugh/gag
- Trusting God
- Songs that bring back memories
- My senior prom/graduation/class reunion
- Write a poem about love/life/cheese/bugs
- Books I wish I had read
- Why I love Julie Hibbard
- People who I should call/write/delete from my cell phone
- a time I felt weak/strong/inferior/superior
- taking care of a baby
- things I do but I am not sure why
- foods I hate, but haven't ever really tried
- Best art gallery ever
- My favorite play/musical
- The songs I could listen to over and over
- What my friends like about me
- A ride on the subway in NY or the tube in London
- Taking a helicopter ride
- Learning to surf/play tennis/play the piano/read music
- My favorite "hip" saying
- Something that it's time to confess
- Someone I wish I'd said I love you to
- Going to the world's largest ball of twine/other national monument
- the best dessert I ever had
- Having breakfast in bed
- how I feel about lawyers/politicians/city officials
- How I lost/gained 10 pounds
- How I met the love of my life
- How I made it through a rough season of life
- Something I wish I had more than anything else
- My most embarrassing moment
- Where I want to be one year from today
So funny...write a book if your mind never quits.
My brain used to never stop...then I had two kids under 2 1/2 and now my brain often can't get started! THanks for the ideas!
I promise to catch up in a day or two when I get MY computer back....it needed a doctors appt :(
I promise to actually blog back soon!
PS. I am working the "Singles Dance" on Friday night...should be LOTS of blog worthy things to go over, men in polyester suits (green), 220lb women with their bellies hanging out...just to start a few highlights from LAST YEAR!
You are the best! Thanks for the list. My problem is not ideas is time.
you've given me hope, faith and charitable blog ideas...
It's worth dinner at Lucille's...just say when...
AWESOME. I will come to this list if I ever need ideas. My problem is never needing ideas, just time to blog about what's in my head.
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