Thursday, July 8, 2010

Letter to my younger self...

It yet another of my 'self healing' books, the author suggests writing a letter to your younger self. After working on it for a couple of days, I have realized that it is actually a list of things I wish someone had told me when I was a little girl. Amazingly, they are things I still need to tell myself today.
Here goes:

Dear Julie,
I am writing to you from the year 2010! Oh yeah, it's awesome here in the 21st thing you'll really love is that all your albums and 45s will be on a pocket-sized gadget called an "iPod". No, I'm serious! You'll be able to play any song you want in the press of a button! You'll also carry a phone in your pocket and will be able to communicate with people in any part of the world in a split second through your home computer (which you will hold in your lap!)
Enough of that...I don't want to ruin all the mystery. But I would like to tell you a few things that might just help you become even stronger and happier than you are right now.

1. Oh Julie--you are so beautiful! You are so smart! You are loveable! You have an amazing sense of humor and people really like you!
(Did I mention that you are beautiful?!)
2. Trust your instincts! If it doesn't feel right, it's not.
3. Be in the senior class play and go on the Hawaii trip after graduation.
Trust me, you will regret not doing these two things for the rest of your life.
4. Say NO when you want to say no. Don't do ANYTHING you don't want to do! You can DO and BE anything you want to be!
5. Keep that nickel between your knees.
6. Ditch the baby oil and wear sunscreen!
7. If he's a jerk at 17, he will be a jerk at 37.
(Grumpy old men were grumpy young men!)
9. If you get a tattoo-for the love of God get the Dodgers logo. Please!

10. Take care of Julie-she is spectacular!

Love, Your future self,

PS Seriously, put the Pop Tart down!!


S. said...

Great Post!! I love this idea and may steal it. What "book" have you been reading with these ideas?
I have been doing some counseling for some issues from my past and you are hitting on things that in a round about way have been mentioned. We all have our "personality" pieces that play into who we are...

You are truly a beautiful person....and I always enjoy reading your posts!!!

Susie A.

Kelly said...

Hysterical and oh so true!!! I love it!!! XO

PETE Di LALLO said...

An absolutely fabulous post, hilarious in parts, fun and educational to read, especially when you're the parent and remember a few of the points you made...

Anonymous said...

I love this! I love your blog and your attitude and your lovely, happy life!