Friday, October 3, 2008

You win lose one.

Everyone but Sarah...
My niece, Thea
Four out of five DiLallo sisters
Our cousin, Anthony...

This week at work someone came up to me and said, "I'm sorry about your loss."
I quickly said, "Loss!? What loss! We won!"
I assumed they were talking about the Dodgers...
They were referring to the death of my grandmother...
It's been a long week. Full of big wins...and one huge loss.
Today was my Nana's funeral...and it was actually very nice. Three of my four sisters were there. Lots of friends, cousins, a niece and three nephews and even my former husband. It was a quiet ending with a few laughs tucked in along the way. A few of us spoke (Allison--we read your 'Nana' post which set the tone for a very enjoyable service) and several of us cried.
We said goodbye to Nana.

Tomorrow, we'll get back to the winning...


Eliane said...

I am sure it feels really good to have some closure.
I miss mon bonhomme Anthony!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Too bad Sarah wasn't there...what a beautiful group of sisters! Love you DiLallo's beyond words!