Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lucky Sevens

After dropping off a load behind Goodwill today, Eliane and I decided to go see if there was anything INSIDE Goodwill that we had to have.
Oh are we glad we did!
Eliane found an Angel shirt to wear to the game on Friday night.
Cost? $1.99
And...I found a pair of SEVEN jeans that fit me perfectly!!! Yes! Sevens!!
It was indeed a GOOD day at Goodwill.
And it was just the beginning of a(nother) GREAT day for us!


PETE Di LALLO said...

Might be a good place for me to shop...

Did you happen to see if they had ---
never mind!

Lisa Marie said...

That's freakin awesome! How amazing is it to find the PERFECT pair of jeans for so cheap? Nothing's better...unless there was a $20 bill in the pocket or something ;-)