Thursday, August 23, 2007

I love having my computer with me...

Before we even started the day I was able to check up on everything at home...
I knew that the Dodgers had won
I knew that the Angels were losing (yes, ODD that they were STILL playing at 6am!)
I knew Fight Club had arrived in my mailbox
I knew that I had had 180 pageviews of my blog on Tuesday and 246 on Wednesday (thanks Dad!)
I knew my checking account balance and knew which charges had yet to come through...
I had checked Google Reader and got caught up on ALL of your blogs!
Then I felt I was ready to start the day in Budapest!

1 comment:

PETE Di LALLO said...

Here's a thought...

sit down, sip on a big cup of coffee and have one of those little Hungarian cigars and do NOTHING for an hour...