Saturday, March 3, 2007

Cherries Garcia

Tonight I walked into Ralph's, and as I started to get a cart, I realized I was only coming to get one thing, so I picked up one of those baskets instead. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE! Anyway,I strolled over to the ice cream section, where I debated flavors, caloric content, fat intakes and price (in that order) and ended up with Cherries Garcia frozen yogurt (a very small one). When I got up to the check stand, I put the carton on the belt and put two of those "dividers" around it.
Then, a woman with two young kids and a shopping cart OVER FLOWING with groceries got in line behind me. She started to unload her cart, as her kids were asking for gum, M&Ms, breath mints and Hershey bars...when she suddenly stopped and glanced up at me. I smiled at her.
She said, with much humor in her voice, "Look at you there with your little ice cream...Lucky you."
I thought about telling her that I had spent 20 plus years with over flowing shopping carts and kids arguing over cereals and flavors of pop tarts, and had had my fair share of "clean ups on Aisle 5"...
But, I decided not to. Instead I told her that the last four episodes --including the series finale-- of 'Six Feet Under' were waiting for me at home, and that all I needed was a tasty treat to go with it.
...lucky me, indeed.


Insured Asset Solutions said...


Andrew said...

you couldn't have picked a better flavor. seriously. the only other ice cream that might have swayed me (and only this time of year) is the samaos girl scout ice cream that dreyers has good.

Allison said...

oh gosh, I totally remember those days...I can't imagine you hating them any more than Zac and I did!

Josh Peters said...

i always enjoy a story that makes me chuckle out loud.