Thursday, April 14, 2011

Still amazing after all these years...

“Forty is the old age of youth; fifty is the youth of old age.”

There is no mistaking it and no way to hide it...
I'm much closer now to 50 years old, than I am to 40...
And I wouldn't have believed it 20 years ago, but I am SO happy about that! I am in a better place in life today than ever before, happier and WAY healthier than I have ever been. I have to admit, this is the best season of my life (so far...).
As I ran around at work yesterday saying hello and greeting every single person by name, I marveled at how GREAT it is to be at my stage of life. How fantastic it is to be MY age! I feel a JOY in life that I would have never been able to know when I was in my teens or twenties...or even in my thirties for that matter. I have an appreciation for work and health and the daily joys of life that definitely wasn't around in my first few decades of living. And as I worked and laughed and enjoyed my day, I started to think of other reasons WHY I love this season of life so much...
For your enjoyment:
  1. I am passionate about my job and APPRECIATE every second of being at work. I KNOW I am GOOD at what I do and that there is NO other job position in the world that is a more perfect use of my strengths and gifts. (I swear it was custom-made for me.) And I get to marvel at the beauty of the Pacific Ocean every single day.
  2. I feel a level of respect from my coworkers, not because of my age, but because of my life experiences and ability to deal with stress and pressure without being fazed. I know that they look to me for answers and opinions and encouragement and, seriously, NOTHING is more fulfilling than that.
  3. The 'thank yous' I receive at work--from guests and fellow associates--are more valuable to me than my paycheck. Feeling appreciated on constant basis is absolutely priceless. (Would have NEVER thought that at 30.)
  4. Here's a good one--I LOVE when someone says, "NO WAY your kids are 26 and 28 years old! You look amazing!!" No doubt, one of the best things I ever did was become pregnant at 18. (Sure would not have said THAT at 25!)
  5. At this point in life, I know what matters...and what doesn't. I know what's worth stressing over--and it's very little, I know, now, that living simply and on my own is LOVELY and more enjoyable than I ever thought possible.
  6. OK, as long as I'm being honest--another thing I love about being my age--I get hit on every single day! Mostly by men who are many years younger. Seriously! And, sharing that openly and with confidence is reason #7 why I love being my age.
  7. Like John Mayer suggests, I say what I need to say. And what I want to say. Often.
  8. In the last few years I have learned to not take anything personally. Nothing.
  9. I know now to trust my intuition and my gut and I know how to make good decisions. I learn from my mistakes and no longer beat myself up for the past. Couldn't have said that at 25 either. No way.
  10. I have GENUINE, amazing, invaluable friendships. I have people who have been in my life for more than 30 years and more! They comfort me, love me, call me on my sh*t, keep up with me, make me laugh, let me cry and have LIVED LIFE with me all these many many years...with joy!
Personally, I know that I will never get old. I can run circles around most of the people at work who are half my age. I do my best, every day, to share my love for life with them, to encourage them and to assure them that, for all of us, the best is still to come.
Life is good.
And the cool part is, it just keeps getting better.


Sonja said...

You are so lucky in so many ways. And I'm lucky to know you.
Love that quote at the top of your post - never heard it before!

Kelly said...

Love this post!....Thanks for being my amazing friend for over 30 years (& for letting me come over last night and talk for 3 hours straight)! You're the BEST...XO