Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Control Seek

Lately I have heard so many people complaining that their life is "out of control." Not that I completely have my sh*t together, but I am usually not very sympathetic. Sure, life is full of surprises, not always good ones, and it does tend to throw a curve ball or two at you once in a while, but MUCH of life is actually very controllable.

I think one key to feeling better about life--and yourself!--is getting a handle on and taking control of what you ARE able to control. I was thinking about this yesterday and came up with a list of things that are, quite frankly, in your control. Honestly, when you stop making excuses and make an effort to take control of these very controllable areas of life, SO many other aspects of life amazingly begin to fall into place. Here's my list of things you CAN control: 1. What you eat and drink. {Yes, you can, indeed, control this.} Just put the cinnamon roll down. 2. What you spend and what you do not spend. Work intentionally on paying off {or at least attempting to and working toward paying} all debts. Stop eating out. Stay out of Target. 3. Being clean! Get up and shower and get dressed every day. You are only as productive as you are dressed to be! 4. Keeping your car clean and in good repair. {This is an easy one and I SWEAR it makes life better!} 5. Getting rid of clutter! Getting rid of STUFF! Organizing your home and space. "Messy bed, messy head." I promise, if things are in order around you, things will be much more in order inside you. This is even more important when you live in a smaller place, asI have learned to be even MORE organized since moving into the 800 square foot apartment. I have to CONTROL what comes in...and continue to take things OUT. 6. Returning phone calls/emails/letters. Keeping communication open and flowing with friends and family. Get a handle on this! Be responsible for keeping up with people. 7. How much you exercise and take care of your body inside and out. Go for a walk for the love of God! 8. What you read and how much time you watch television. {No TV til the house is clean!} 9. Being prepared and organizing your daily scheduling. Plan your meals, make a grocery list and go shopping. Run errands and get things done! Being productive makes you feel so good! 10. THINKING POSITIVELY! Moving forward! Making DAILY steps toward being in control. You truly are in control of your life. If you feel like you're not, figure out what you can do to get it back. By controlling the things you CAN control, you will add power and confidence and peace to your life. No more excuses! Take control.

1 comment:

PETE Di LALLO said...

Thanks...I needed that...
(good title too)