Most of us are in the same economic boat these days--and it's been a tough one to keep afloat. Here are a few of the ways that I have kept the boat from sinking...they might just work for you too.
- Cut up the credit cards. (This stops the bleeding and the recovery can begin.)
- Eat at home. Period. (Pasta+sauce+bread+salad=$3 at home. And $16 at a restaurant.)
- Bring your food to work, on road trips, to the movies, and have friends to your house for dinner rather than going to a restaurant. (See pasta math above)
- Make your own coffee. End of story.
- Plan your meals for the week and make a shopping list. Stick to the list!
- Buy shampoo, deodorant, detergent, soap, etc in bulk. (Only stuff that doesn't expire!)
- Buy plain wrap/generic EVERYTHING! (Except Diet Coke of course.) Never pay retail. Please, when you must shop, check out TJ Maxx, Home Goods or the new Nordstrom Rack in Laguna Hills!
- Recycle, Reuse and RE-GIFT! (Christmas was all RE-GIFTING for our family this year, and it was amazing! Every gift had a story! It was fun and saved us ALL so much money!)
- Get rid of your land line and buy an 'everything plan' on your cell phone. This is saving me over $100/month. Seriously.
- Go to the library for books and movies. (Or at least buy them USED on Amazon!)
- Turn down the heater and put on a sweater or wrap up in a blanket. And shut off lights. (Your dad STILL isn't Mr. Edison.)
- 'Downgrade' your cable. I'm not a TV watcher at all, but really, do you need 800 channels?
- Remember it's an invitation, not a subpoena. You do NOT have to attend EVERY going away party, birthday celebration, wedding, and baby shower! Just say no.
- Take care of the car you have. (You don't need a new one!) Rotate the tires, change the oil, have scheduled maintenance done. You'll save so much money in the long run.
- Stay home! Play the games you have. Read the books you own. Watch the movies on your shelves. EAT THE FOOD YOU HAVE IN YOUR FRIDGE AND PANTRY!
Cause you know what?
Believe it or not, someday...these will be the good ol' days.
*you know you love that one.
I love that one for sure.
Imagine if people would have been doing that way before the bad days?
Don't forget to visit the dollar store, wash your own car and have a garage sale.
I love these tips. sensible and practical. everyone should take notice during these financially challenging times.
Beautiful stuff!
and even tho I hate to do it I will cut out Starbucks immediately, after I finish the one I bought this morning (I will drink it super slowly savoring every sip)
OK and will wash my car this weekend...
it's a good thing a bottle of shampoo lasts me months!
I much prefer watching movies at home, so there's no big loss there...I can even make my own popcorn...
thanks kid!
Regarding #7, you forgot to mention to shop at the Nordstrom Rack (especially the new one right by your house)! And the perk about shopping there is that you can visit your best friend in the whole world and she will take you to dinner afterwards (the conversation alone would be worth the cost)!!
Fixed it for you, Kel!
I'll take dinner anytime!!!
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