Saturday, January 2, 2010

My 2009 in a nutshell (and, my 1,800th post!)

A few thoughts about 2009...

Though it's over and I can't change anything that happened, I can continue to learn from it...and recall it with great affection!
I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.

1. What was the single best thing that happened in 2009? I was able to retain the job I enjoy and keep the home I love.

2. What was the single most challenging thing that happened? I worked as manager in the hotel restaurant over the summer. I was definitely out of my comfort zone in just about every way.

3. What was an unexpected joy this past year? Reconnecting with extended family and childhood friends through Facebook.

4. What was an unexpected obstacle? Those ph*cking Phillis...again!

5. What words best describe your 2009? Unpredictable. Peaceful. And, for the most part, very enjoyable.

6. What were the best books you read this year? "Living in the Moment" by David Romanelli, "Eat Pray Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert, and "He's Just Not That Into You" by Greg Behrendt (yep, have to read that one over and over and over...maybe someday I'll get it.)

7. What one day of 2009 would you like to live over again? November 9th

8. What was your greatest musical discovery? Ray Lamontagne

9. What is the one song that will remind you of 2009? "I've Got a Feeling...that tonight's gonna be a good night..."

10. What is one thing you wanted to accomplish in 2009 that you hope to do this year? Figure out how to get the three remotes necessary to run my TV system down to one. And get to Europe again. Or New York City.

11. Where did most of your money go? Target. Barnes & Noble. And baseball stadiums.

12. What was the best way you used your time this past year? Going to 32 baseball games and four different stadiums--and to Spring Training in Arizona. Yoga was pretty great too.

13. What was the most gratifying thing that happened in 2009? That each of my kids became completely self-sufficient--living on their own and doing what they love. (And, that neither made me a grandmother!)

14. What was your biggest personal accomplishment? Learning to live in the moment and to enjoy every single day with GREAT expectations.

15. In what way did you grow spiritually? I finally believe that everything is actually working together for good...

16. In what way did you grow physically? I am healthier than I have ever been. I'm eating right, exercising fairly consistently and feeling really good.

17. In what way did you grow emotionally? Over the last few months I have realized that I can survive just about anything. Of course, I still sit in the tub with a beer and cry, but it takes a much shorter amount of time now for me to get to the point where I say, "Get out of the tub, you're gonna live through this one too..."

18. What did you want and get in 2009? The (Dodger blue) Audi A4 Convertible

19. What did you want and NOT get in 2009? The same things that seem to elude me year after year...true love...and a Dodgers World Series.

20. What do you wish you'd done more of? Reading...traveling...kissing.

21. What do you wish you'd done less of? Over-analyzing and wondering what I did wrong.

22. What song lyric best sums up your 2009? "I still haven't found what I'm looking for..."

23. What was the most important thing you learned about yourself in 2009? I have learned to be much easier on myself. I know I need to slow down, breathe and smile. And just keep moving forward.

24. What was the biggest thing you learned about life this past year? That it goes on...and that there is no way on God's green earth you're ever going to figure it out.

25. What are your greatest hopes for 2010? To be more loving and become a better have continued adventures...and a peaceful year full of fun and friends and genuine JOY.


BUM said...

Alot of growth this past year!!Your list is getting shorter. Keep on going!!!!

Zuzana said...

Happy 2010 to you dear friend! What a grand list, it shows so eloquently your beautiful optimistic mind and soul. I love your #14.;)

S. said...

Loved the questions and answers....
Praying for a great 2010 for you....

And yes, I have to say that "He's just not that into you" is a great book...and I remind myself about the different snippets when I start getting stressed out over guys...because if "he's into you"...nothing will stop him from calling, talking, seeing you, etc...

Be Blessed my friend!!!


Vineeta said...

Wow! Thats a FULL year! and a life well lived. Thanx for dropping by my blog - it gave me a chance to know you. I wish for you with all my heart that what you wish will be yours this 2010. Amen. :)