Sunday, January 10, 2010

10 things you may not have known about me...

I have been "tagged" to come up with 10 things I have never shared...
There is actually more mystery to Julie Hibbard than you would think...(yeah ok, not really...)

Here are a few very random things you may have never known:

  1. I swear a lot. And, I sincerely enjoy it.
  2. I would work even if I didn't have to.
  3. I LOVE free stuff.
  4. If I had to choose one meal to have for the rest of my life it would be chips, guacamole and a Corona.
  5. I am most comfortable in a t shirt, jeans and flip flops.
  6. I worked at Sizzler for one day.
  7. I have never worn lipstick or eye shadow. Ever.
  8. I have passed Level 17 on Dr. Mario. On several occasions.
  9. For my college internship, I worked in the marketing department at the Taco Bell corporation.
  10. I dye my hair. (What? You knew that one??)


Zuzana said...

This was a fun read! I agree with your number 4.;) That is my favorite food and I almost never get it anymore.
Have a great Monday,

BUM said...

You could add "that you are easy to please" to your list of qualities.

Gina Vistaunet said...

You have NEVER wore eyeshadow? Not even a beige color? I never knew that.

Leah Mazur said...

No, seriously, you have NEVER worn eye shadow?! That's insane!! But then again, you have those beautiful big baby need!

PETE Di LALLO said...

Reminds me of my favorite swear words:
Hell Shit and Damn

Gal Friday said...

You never wore lipstick?!! ;-) Funny how we can all be so different--I hardly ever swear, (except when behind the wheel..heh..heh), don't dye my hair and started wearing lipstick in high school because no one else did and it made me feel different and 40's movie star glam. At least on one thing I can agree with you--a meal of guac. and chips and cold Corona sounds like heaven to me.

Great interesting list about an obviously interesting person.