Friday, May 6, 2011


While at jury duty this week, someone asked if I had any brothers and sisters...
(The small talk is endless when you're part of a jury as you are not allowed to talk about what's REALLY on your mind!)

I do not have any brothers...but I do have FOUR sisters.
All younger--though I do believe we are about the same age now--and yes, all from the same mother and father.
Julie Gina Debra Leesa and Sarah
This picture from a few years back is the perfect example of who we are when we are together.
Oh yeah...that's our dad. A lucky man with five daughters.
A very lucky man indeed.

1 comment:

PETE Di LALLO said...

And to think when I was a young kid growing up in Montreal I had thoughts of becoming a priest...
but only for a few seconds...
thanks Jules