Sunday, November 8, 2009

Real Age

A few days ago while searching for new ways to get fit and stay healthy, I stumbled upon the RealAge website.
What a GREAT find!

Besides LOADS of healthy ideas, inspiring articles and practical information, the site is home to the RealAge test.

Your RealAge is the biological age of your body, based on how well you've maintained it. The test includes questions about everything from your heredity to how often you exercise to what kinds of foods you eat, to where you live, your friendships...and more.
I took the test--which is fairly lengthy but super interesting--and was pretty happy with the result! I'm going to read up a little bit, exercise a lot more and get that number down even lower!

Take YOUR RealAge test too...and let me know how you did!


Sarah said...

I'm at 24.3 Not bad for a 30.8 year old!

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to do it, because I'm pretty sure that chronic fatigue, declining short-term memory, and eating almost all of my kids' Halloween candy will put me somewhere around 96.3 years old.