The best things in life...(in no particular order)
- Being in Italy
- Finishing a good book and having another ready to start
- The amazing joy of genuine friendship
- Kissing
- Dark Chocolate See's Molasses Chips
- Being completely debt free and having taken the vast majority of my money out of the stock market just in time.
- Sitting out on my little patio
- Vin Scully
- Someone saying "Good Morning Beautiful!"
- Being very happy exactly where you are
- A hot bubble bath at the end of the day
- Someone calling me Juju or Jewels
- Finding and giving the perfect gift
- Someone who loves music and wants to sing with me!
- Taking LOTS of pictures
- Shared memories
- Being able to say I am a college graduate. And that Allison and Zachary are too.
- Concerts. Especially if I can sing all the songs...
- Going out to breakfast!
- A call from one of my kids
- The full moon. Especially hanging over the ocean!
- My job. Every single day.
- Home grown roses!
- A great beer. Or two.
- A sweet text from a friend
- Spending time at Barnes and Noble
- Being in the mountains
- Kind, sweet, complimentary words
- Blue cheese stuffed olives
- Margaritas on the rocks
- Having people over for dinner
- Slow dancing in my living room. Or my kitchen.
- Inside jokes
- Remembering people's names
- Apple Pie. Peach Cobbler. Bananas Foster. Chocolate Bread Pudding. (Warmed, of course.)
- All things Baseball. Especially the Dodgers. (Yep, even when they're 10 games back...)
- Great, real, deep, meaningful conversation.
- My laptop and my BlackBerry
- Warm biscuits with butter and honey
- Touching fingers/lingering glances
- An afternoon nap
- Spiders, snakes, lizards and cool bugs
- Packing a suitcase to go somewhere
- Something left on my front porch
- Laughter!
- Someone who makes my heart beat...
- Blogging
- Having people who read my blog
- Having enough thoughts, ideas, hopes, dreams, wishes, likes, dislikes, joys and experiences to write at least another 2300 posts...
I'm happy to tell you I am now only 1,971 post behind you...began in 2008 and at the rate I've been posting I should hit 2,300 in late 2019...
congrats to you Juje...
#22.....or over the Eiffel Tower. :)
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