When I arrived at the DMV this morning, I already knew it would be the topic for my blog tonight. I imagined it would be something about the DMV having not evolved at all or being dark and dirty inside or about its amazing and long-standing inefficiency.
Gratefully, I am writing from a completely different perspective!
I have had the same driver's license for nearly 10 years. The address on it has been wrong for a long (long!) time, but because I have never had a ticket (nope, never!) they have continued to send me renewal after renewal. Knowing that I am now STAYING in THIS home for a while, and that I needed to change my address at the DMV anyway, I decided it was time for an updated driver's license.
I scheduled a 9 o'clock appointment for this morning and I walked in the place at 8:52 am. I got in the (very short) line marked 'appointments' and was quickly given a number, told to have a seat and to report to the assigned window when called.
I sat down and literally read ONE LINE of my book when my number was called! I reported to Window 21 where 'Phuk' (seriously!) took my paperwork and my check and rapidly gave me a two-line vision test.
Then he asked if my weight had changed. Now here's the deal with that--the day they make me get on a scale at the DMV will be the day I buy a bus pass. No Phuk, (I did not attempt to pronounce his name, though you can IMAGINE how creative I was going to be with my answer to him!) No, Phuk, my weight has not changed. (They DO want your GOAL weight on there, right?)
He quickly gave me a temporary license with my new correct address on it--
and wisely did not comment on the weight--and told me to go to line #22. Once at window #22, 'Chris' grabbed my paperwork, snapped my picture and let me know that my new license would arrive in about two weeks.
I walked out the door and looked at my phone: Exactly 9:00! The WHOLE process took less than EIGHT minutes! On top of that the place was clean and bright and every single person was efficient and friendly! Amazing...and not at all what I expected. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the DMV has indeed evolved.
I guess even when you're paying $63 for a tank of gas, it is still considered a privilege to be issued a license to drive. And I would have to say, when you actually enjoy your visit to the DMV you have to think that just about anything is possible.
Maybe someday I'll even weigh what the license says I do.