And it's really ok. Really!
A number of changes on the Dodgers' end--the date and time for Opening Day changed three times--and a few situations going on in the DiLallo/Hibbard world at this point in time--looking at the calendar, it seemed as though I would be moving this week, we have family coming into town for the big party this weekend and my work schedule has been extremely inconsistent over the last few months. Add to that the fact that a 'descent' ticket to this game started at $150 plus service fees and printing fees...well, though we really could have made it happen, my dad and I made the executive decision to sit this one out.
Pops will be meeting me at my new place just ahead of game time for a little pre game festivities and to celebrate and enjoy the first Dodger game of the season together. I have planned a great meal--some Italian meats, cheeses, guacamole and chips, and a few surprises--and picked up a 12 pack of Corona. There is no doubt that the total cost of our dinner was less than the cost of gas to get up to LA, the $15 Dodger Stadium parking and a couple of beers and hot dogs at the game. (Probably our dinners all WEEK are less than that!) We'll also save ourselves the 2 hour drive up. And the long lines at the concessions and bathrooms.
Bottom line, the quality time with my dad and the Dodgers is really what it's all about. And this time, we'll have the pleasure of having our feet up, and listening to Vinnie and seeing instant replay. No one will make us move so they can get into their seats and then have us move again as they get food, go to bathroom, go get more food, etc, etc. There is JOY in my heart knowing that NO one will be playing with a beach ball in front of us. My dad and I speak the same language on nights like these--baseball. And we speak of nothing else when watching a game. We'll be able to hear each other and he will be able to see well and, yes, I'll be able to cuss at the top of my lungs at a crappy Dodger play (did I mention that we open with the World Champion Giants? Lincecum, no less!) My dad will smile and laugh and he'll tell me to calm down and that it's only the first game. We've got the day down to a science.
I know, I know, it won't quite be the same.
But, as the game ends we'll get to hear Vinnie say, "Good night everybody!" And, (this might be the best news of all) we won't have an hour wait to get out of that crazy Dodgers parking lot!Oh, and we won't have an hour and a half drive home! Nope, as the game ends, I'll say good bye to my dad, who will drive 5 miles to his home. I'll turn out the lights, get straight into bed and say, "Good night Vinnie."
No matter the outcome of the game, it just might be the best Opening Day ever.
Go Blue!