Thursday, April 16, 2009

So many things to LOVE...

Seems like the bloggers (writers?) of the world are posting their favorite things this week...
Here are some of the list of things I really love...
  1. I LOVE to laugh and really love making people laugh. (EACH of my kids' has a great out-loud laughter!)
  2. Getting a card, note, letter or a postcard in the mailbox!
  3. A hot bubble bath at the end of the day.
  4. Someone calling me 'Jules'.
  5. Finding and giving the perfect gift!
  6. Someone who knows MUSIC
  7. Taking LOTS of pictures
  8. Sharing memories! (Remember when...?)
  9. Kissing.
  10. Concerts. Especially if I can sing all the songs...
  11. Going out to breakfast!
  12. A call from one of my kids
  14. The full moon. Especially hanging over the ocean!
  15. My job. Every single day.
  16. Home grown roses!
  17. School supplies...erasers, pencils, sharpees, new notebooks.
  18. See's Dark Chocolate Molasses Chips! (LOVE them!)
  19. A great beer. Or two.
  20. A perfectly timed text from a friend
  21. Spending time (and money) at Barnes and Noble
  22. Being in the mountains
  23. Kind, sweet, complimentary words
  24. Blue cheese stuffed olives
  25. Margaritas on the rocks!!
  26. Having people over for dinner
  27. Dancing in my living room. Or the kitchen.
  28. Inside jokes
  29. Remembering people's names and birthdays
  30. Pie. Cobbler. Bananas Foster. Bread Pudding. (Warmed, of course.)
  31. All things Baseball. Especially the Dodgers.
  32. Great, real, deep conversation.
  33. My iPod and my BlackBerry
  34. Warm biscuits with butter and honey (maybe even jelly!)
  35. Catching eyes with someone
  36. Spiders, snakes, lizards and cool bugs
  37. An afternoon nap
  38. Packing a suitcase to go somewhere
  39. Surprises!
  40. Someone who makes my heart beat...


Eliane said...

Read the list twice to see if there was something new I could learn about you. Glad to report that I didn't find anything. Long lasting friendship are great and I am so glad we are friends.

Anonymous said...

I learned something kinda' new about you and it's amazing that it's yet another thing we have in common: to date I have caught (for Adam) a tarantula, a praying mantis, many lizards and beetles, a mouse, and a very big tarantula hawk (it's a kind of wasp.) Tried to catch a snake once but it got away. Love that stuff!!

Sherri Marie said...

And add to the list #41: She Loves 6 in a Row!!