Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

 Ten things I am OH so thankful for...
  1. My best friend--the happiest, most beautiful and incredible man on Earth. He makes me smile and laugh--constantly!
  2. My phenomenal circle of close friends--all of whom know the real me and like me anyway! I LOVE these people!
  3. My magnificent children. They have made me happy and OH SO proud as they have become intelligent, amazing, successful and completely independent adults!
  4. My lovely, comfortable, warm and cozy home. I will once again host 15 people for a sit down dinner here on Friday night. Despite being just under 1000 square feet, it has become the happiness-filled celebration gathering place of friends and family! And it's paid for.
  5. My practically perfect 2006 Volkswagen. Much like me, it looks pretty good for it's age and keeps on running! And it's paid for.
  6. A job where I am fully able to use my gifts and talents and abilities to make others happy! I am THANKED all day long. I help people! I make them successful! I am OH so fortunate to be able to make a living doing something that I love.
  7. The passionate, hardworking, happy and loving people I work with! It is SERIOUSLY a joy to come to work and be hugged and greeted and appreciated by these wonderful people--many of whom have second and third jobs on top of working at the hotel. I am PROUD to be part of this hard working team!
  8. My family--most of whom will be here on Friday--parents, sisters, nieces and nephews. Life is kept exciting with a big family around. There is ALWAYS something to celebrate!
  9. My health which is FAR better today than it was 10 years ago! I am strong and feel good and am full of vitality and OH what stamina. And I look practically OK!
  10. A good life. A GREAT life! A FULL life. A life that OVERFLOWS with love and friendship and travel and happiness and adventure and rest and JOY and PEACE and HOPE! 
Today, I consider myself the luckiest girl on the face of the earth.

Happy Thanksgiving

1 comment:

md said...

I am thankful for the opportunity of a lifetime. To have my best friend in the world be the love of my life. Happy Thanksgiving, I am indeed very blest. 138