Friday, June 1, 2012

What day is it?

Last week I worked Saturday and Sunday and was off on Monday and Tuesday. I worked Wednesday and was off Thursday. I worked today and now work everyday until next Wednesday, when I will be off. Then of course I work Thursday and then I am off on Friday. Or something like that. Actually, I'm not quite sure. And that's ok with me.

In my job, I am used to an inconsistent and constantly changing schedule. I make hay while the sun shines--I work when there's work! And, truly, I love it!
All that to say, I never really know what day it is, but honestly, what does it matter? If it's Thursday or it's Sunday, it's today. And whether I'm home or at work...
it's my favorite day.

Often people say, "Oh, you have to work the weekend?"
First off, I don't have to work at all. I like working--I love working--and am so grateful to have a job that I adore. I work at a hotel, my friends--we're definitely open on the weekend! And the place is full of life and laughter and adventure every day--weekdays, weekends, Holidays--everyday...
I love being there.

Most days, I clock in by 6am. I love when friends say, "You have to be at work at 5:30 in the morning?!!" Once again, I don't have to be there at all. I get to be there. And let me tell you, I am OH so fortunate to have found a job where I am appreciated for my early morning energy! I have been getting up at 4am since the early 80s Coco's days...and with 30 years of practice, believe me, I have no problem getting to work at 6am.
Best part of all, most days, I am off by 2pm lovely is that?
After putting in a full work day, I have practically the whole day still ahead of me! I can grocery shop, run errands, take a nap, workout, have an early dinner with friends...and be home in time to watch the Dodger game. Heck, I can even GO to the ballgame.
It's really the best schedule in the world...and I GET to work it.

...and, come that random weekday I have off--and the rest of the world is at work--I am able to have breakfast with a friend in a quiet restaurant, breeze in and out of the post office, park up front and have Target to myself, go to a matinee in a nearly empty theater, lay by the pool without children being present...
Yep, it's lovely.
Quite lovely, actually.

I'm working the next couple of days...and it just happens to be the weekend. 
I'll be the one with the great big smile. Long before 6am.

This day, today, no matter what or where the day--
is always my favorite day.

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