Thursday, November 28, 2013

Give THANKS with a GRATEFUL heart...

Not exactly original--writing a list of things I am grateful for on Thanksgiving--but, today, I TRULY am thankful for SO many things. I have more than I ever thought I would have in life...more than I could ever deserve. Thank you for taking time to read my thoughts today.
  1. I am OH so thankful for my beautiful home. Be it ever so humble, it is warm and cozy this Thanksgiving morning. And paid for. 
  2. I am OH so grateful for my health. Though my back sometimes hurts and my feet often throb, I know that I am SO fortunate to be able to get up, dress myself, run around at work and not have to depend on anyone to assist me physically in any way. 
  3. My job. I know, I know...the hours are rough, I ache at the end of the day, people yell at me quite often and I have to work every weekend and all Holidays. But I am employed. And, for that, I am thankful today. (And I am at work today!)
  4. My four sisters, two nieces and four nephews! Tomorrow, the majority of these beautiful, fun and OH SO lively people will be here to share dinner with us. And dance the night away!
  5. Monday morning I met my parents for breakfast! At 50 years old I am VERY grateful to be able to spend time with my Mom and Dad who are able, willing and always ready to join me for a meal! So fortunate that they live so close too!
  6. My phenomenal daughter and incredible son. When your children are 28 and 31 the only thing you really hope is that they are happy and healthy and loving life. Allison and Zachary are all of these things. Plus independent and making an impact on the world in many ways. I am deeply grateful for this! 
  7. My friendships--most which span DECADES and are cherished beyond belief! I LOVE all the friends who fill our home, join us for parties, laugh at our silly stories...and are there when times are rough or you just need to talk. I am OH SO fortunate to live within driving distance of just about every single friend. 
  8. Facebook, Instagram, email and my iPhone! Honestly, I SO enjoy being able to keep up with everyone and share in their joys and life experiences! I am grateful for technology which helps us stay close even when we cannot be together. 
  9. Getting older. Yes, I still believe getting older is WAY better than the alternative. I have so many friends and loved ones who never made it to 50 years old! I am thankful for the wisdom and experience I now have. I am grateful for how comfortable I am with WHERE I am in life. I am happy to have LIVED all the years of my life. 
  10. My soul mate and best friend, Dave. He has changed my life in every single way and brought me JOY and LAUGHTER for nearly three years. He cares about me and listens to me and cooks for me and keeps me warm. I have never enjoyed life more. I am eternally grateful FOR him and TO him. 
Life is Good
Happy Thanksgiving
I am grateful for you

1 comment:

Mia's Cottage said...

Happy Thanksgiving Julie... To you and your family and Dave too!
Don't work to hard today.