Sunday, December 18, 2011

Claus and Affect

Breakfast with Santa is my favorite event to work all year...and today was the day!
Montage holds the event each year exclusively for its associates and their children--
There are pictures with Santa, crafts, cookie decorating, magic shows, and, of course BACON!
It was my FIFTH time being Mrs. Santa Claus...and I love every second of it!


md said...

The line to be Santa Claus must be a mile long with Mrs. Claus being this pretty! How lucky were these children and their fathers to look upon such an angelic, giving, loving face. Oh to be Kris Kringle!138

sprinkles said...

I know a guy with long white hair and a beard who donates his time 6 weeks out of the year to sick children. He dresses up as Santa as hadnds out toys that he's purchased, some of the money was donated for toys and some of it comes out of his pocket.