Thursday, December 31, 2009

A little bit of ZEN in 2010

A few suggestions for a happy and rewarding new year
  1. Be the most encouraging person you know
  2. Listen with your eyes
  3. Take the statement, "I don't have enough time" out of your vocabulary. We all have exactly the same number of hours each day
  4. Use the good dishes
  5. Say "I'm sorry." And be forgiving
  6. Return everything you borrow and consider things you loan out a gift
  7. Write down your hopes, aspirations and dreams. And start taking the steps to make them happen
  8. Donate blood
  9. Take lots of pictures
  10. Read more. Dance more. Sing more. Really listen to music
  11. Stop blaming others and take responsibility for your life
  12. Take "I'm tired" or "I don't feel good" out of your vocabulary (and never tell someone else they look tired!)
  13. Remember people's birthdays
  14. Recycle everything possible
  15. Exercise and drink water like it's going out of style
  16. Tell your kids how great they are
  17. Get out of debt. It's not about making more money--it's about spending less.
  18. Lose the weight and be done with it. And stop talking about it
  19. Use people's names when you talk with them. Read name tags
  20. Don't top a friend's story with one of your own
  21. Be kind and give lots of compliments
  22. Be positive and enthusiastic
  23. Laugh out loud. Smile
  24. Be a hard worker and praise the work of others
  25. Learn from past mistakes...and move on
  26. Don't gossip or whine or nag
  27. Be happy for other people
  28. Your home is a reflection of your life--keep it clean, organized and in good repair
  29. Remember that there is no elevator to have to take the steps, one at a time
  30. Say thank you. Be grateful
  31. Wear sunscreen. And a hat
  32. Have a good attitude. Seek out the bright side
  33. Get up as early as necessary so that you never have to be in a hurry
  34. Don't miss the magic of the present by focusing on the future
  35. Call your mother


Gina Vistaunet said...

I love all these.

Steve Rutenbar said...

Dang it, Julie...if I do all these I won't be me...I'll be YOU...

Lisa Marie said...

Julie, I love these. I want to live my life like this! I love you...Happy New Year :)

Kelly said...

I absolutely love these!!! I've already printed them and put it on my bulletin board at work. I'm also sending them to my kids (with #35 highlighted)!! XO