Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I'm not Lisa...

I check my bank accounts balances online several times a week. On the front of the log-in page is a place for my ID and password. And under that is a link that reads:
"I'm not Julie"
I have to tell ya, every single time I see it...I sing the song.
Sing it with me...anyone?


Allison said...

I don't know that song...sorry.
But I would sing it if I knew it.

Gina Vistaunet said...

I'm not Lisaaaaa, my name is Julieeee, Lisa left youuuuu, years ago!!!!

PETE Di LALLO said...

I don't get this one at all...
Gina's comment seems funny but somebody help me laugh...

Anonymous said...

I think the song is Julie Julie do you really love me. Julie Julie Julie do you really care, Julie Julie are you thinking of me, Julie Julie will you still be there.
Bobby Sherman, classic!!!

Anonymous said...

You can hear the song on this website.deenotes.homestead.com
Just thought I would help out for the one's that are not familiar.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, was looking for the words to that song just now, 'cause all of a sudden and out of the blue the tune was in my head and I couldn't remember the words. I don't know why the tune came up. Like it's a really outdated song and it was pretty weird, but I had to find the words. I googled it and landed here.

"I'm not Lisa, my name is Julie. Lisa left you years ago. My eyes are not brown, my eyes are blue..?? or something like that.