Wednesday, January 4, 2012

HAPPY New Year!

My New Year's Resolutions for 2012
  1. Smile more
  2. Cuss less
  3. Be patient
  4. Say hello to everyone--using their name whenever possible
  5. Be a better listener
  6. Be positive (and honest) about my weight, age and cart-wheeling ability
  7. Trust my instincts
  8. Buy less
  9. Read more
  10. Dance (a lot) more
  11. Have more adventures, try new things, go places I've never been!
  12. Floss every day
  13. Take more risks!
  14. Say only good things about people
  15. Take a Spanish class (and learn to say good things in Spanish!)
  16. Eat more donuts, bacon, cinnamon rolls and banana splits
  17. Have only nice friends (and SWEET horses!)
  18. Steer clear of negativity!
  19. Relax more
  20. Treat myself to a pedicure more often
  21. Stand in the winner's circle!
  22. Be debt free
  23. Turn up the music and SING more
  24. Laugh more!
  25. Remember that life is short and OH so unpredictable...and ENJOY every single day!


md said...

Is it possible for you to smile more? You have made a great list of resolutions. I hope they all come true. 138

Sweet Lu said...

I want to pursue that Spanish class with you!!!!

Sonja said...

You know what happened when I took a French class.