Friday, December 3, 2010

Bringing order to chaos

  1. Self-examination is the only path out of misery. (Only a fool does the same thing over and over expecting different results.)
  2. Get up, shower and get dressed--every single day--even if you have no where to go! You are as productive as you are dressed to be.
  3. You can pretty much do ANYTHING you want to do. Just do it already.
  4. Get organized--have a place for EVERY thing, and put everything in its place--it will vastly improve your life.
  5. Turn off the news. In fact, turn off the TV. Your life improves VASTLY without the weight of the world on your shoulders.
  6. Turn on some music. Sing loud and dance around your house.
  7. Get control of your finances immediately. (Stop spending money.)
  8. Nothing ever turns out exactly the way you imagine it will. Expectations are planned disappointments.
  9. Work's enormously satisfying! Even if you stay home--clean, organize, rearrange--have something to show for your time!
  10. Wishing things were different is a great way to torture yourself. Change it or let it go.
  11. Things get better for those who set out to make things better!
  12. Say nice things to yourself. Often!
  13. Most of the things you worry about will never happen...and most of the things that will happen you will never even occur to you to worry about.
  14. Life is definitely unpredictable...but you CAN control a lot of right, go for a walk, live in a clean environment.
  15. Every problem you have is your responsibility. Period.
  16. Laugh. Pray. Read. Write. And then laugh some more.
  17. We all have the same amount of time...use it wisely!
  18. Those who complain the most accomplish the least.
  19. Be grateful. Compared to 90% of the world, YOU are rich.
  20. Life goes on... and you can start over every single day.


Anonymous said...

I love your lists!

Zuzana said...

Beautiful, love them all, my favorites are 10, 13cand 19.:))
Have a great weekend,